Get Certified With CCAPP Credentialing and get a IC&RC International Certificate Included

By CCAPP Credentialing

As a service to professionals holding reciprocal credentials, IC&RC provides International Certificates for each of our credentials (Only for IC&RC Reciprocal CADC II, III, LAADC, LAADC-S, CPRM II, CPRS, CS, CPS, CCJP). Displaying your certificate prominently and using the international acronym on professional materials can help you gain greater professional recognition. It also enhances your…

IC&RC Reciprocity

By CCAPP Credentialing

Reciprocity Professionals that hold eligible certifications or licenses are able to transfer their credentials between jurisdictions that use IC&RC products.  IC&RC seeks to ease the stress of individuals needing to move their credential or license from one jurisdiction to another through its reciprocity process. Individuals holding a credential through an IC&RC member board may be…

New Privacy Shifts to 42 CFR During COVID-19

By CCAPP Credentialing

A recent Filter article, raised concerns that the federal 42 CFR Part 2 regulation, which governs confidentiality of substance use disorder treatment records, will be greatly loosened under the CARES ACT signed into law by President Trump on March 27. The new regulations from the CARES Act will not take effect for 12 months, but they’re coming, and…